Coming home to Sweden after living abroad for a year, turning on the TV for the first time in ages. And getting nailed to it! Swedish public service, SVT, was broadcasting a very interesting discussion on the role of literature today and freedom of speech, between renown writer Salman Rushdie and soon-to-be equally renown writer and journalist Roberto Saviano, moderated by literary historian Horace Engdahl. Although being far from perfect - kudos, SVT!
And, once again, a big "fuck forever off!" to corporate commercial stations for constantly passifying the masses with superficial bullshit that means nothing to no one.
2 kommentarer:
Words of weltschmerz (read: frustration and anger) from this reader/viewer who spent the 20 initial minutes of the program watching Horace Engdahl lecturing us all on the subject of the evening. What cheek from a mere moderator. Viewers and the audience in the room presumably there to listen to Salman Rushdie and Roberto Saviano may have been equally perturbed, but too polite to let it show.
Olav Fagelund Knudsen
Really? Good thing for me I missed the first 15 mins or so then :)
Seriously, we could have done without Engdahl, and rather have a few more intelligent words from Rushdie and Saviano.
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