The media reported this morning - one week after a severly intoxicated Australian dude was deathly rammed by a commuter train - that a piss drunk Englishman was found dead in a hotel yard after falling when trying to urinate from a window on the sixth floor.
It's good to hear those Anglo-Saxons are staying true to their reputation. I mean, who can you trust these days but a decent, strapping young lad like this dude? Just look at that cute little tattoo he has on his chest. Absolutely charming.

This fake Rammstein clip has absolutely nothing to do with the above incidents. It's funny, though. Not very super extra very super funny, but a bit.
For further cheap thrills on the same topic, I recommed the film Beerfest from 2006. It's college style and utterly stupid, and will bring about many a good laughter.