This movie is nothing but surreal.
It’s not so much about metal but the true face of the ongoing war in Iraq and daily life in the constant shade of its impending danger. The viewer also gets a useful glimpse into how the bullshit media actually works at the spot; how it uses different techniques to produce pro-American/anti-Muslim propaganda in order to further sell the war.
Metal fans are known for being dedicated to their faith but these guys in the film, including its makers, must be extremely brave or just utterly stupid. At the same time, that’s what keeps them going, obviously the only thing. They seem to have lost everything – every joy, every ambition, every prospect is deadened – but their passion for music.
When watching, you're (well, almost) sensing this. Whereas many bands just fool around on their instruments trying to create some weird noise while sharing a few sixpacks these young men really do play to stay alive rather than merely (still) breathing. There’s also this creeping nerve - this fear - to the film that you’re under attack and knowing that any second The Bomb could literally come tear you and your whole existence apart.
Being active in a
metal band – something that’s reportedly mischievous enough to get you locked up in Iraq, even in times of peace – under these circumstances, man... Fuck the world-music has never before been so real.